Hello, I'm Madhav

I to code.

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Hi there!

My name is Madhav.

Or more formally Madhav Sankar Krishnakumar.

I am a Software Developer with 5+ years of experience in Full-Stack development who loves coding, solving problems and designing software. I am currently working as a Software Engineer at Microsoft Security and Compliance team.

Personally, I'm a staunch proponent of the Growth Mindset and strongly believe that technical skills coupled with perseverance can enable us to solve any complex problem. Hence, I always look to improve myself and these are few things that I'm currently investing my time on.

Places I've worked/interned at:

You can find details here.

What I do


Programming Languages: C/C++, C#, Python
Web Technologies: JavaScript, Typescript, SQL, CSS, HTML
Other interests: ML, Deep Learning, NLP, Quantum Computing

I've worked with

Online Courses

I learning new topics. I have completed Coursera courses in ML, Deep Learning Specialization and Game Theory. I'm currently learning about Quantum Computing and looking forward to adding more interesting topics here.

The World

Besides coding, I'm an ardent sports lover. I follow a number of sports including cricket, football, F1 racing and tennis and am one of those rare supporter of both Manchester United and FC Barcelona. You can always count me in for any of these sports conversations.

Work Experience

Software Development Engineer, Microsoft

As part of the Advanced EDiscovery team of M365 Security and Compliance, led the E2E delivery of the LENS (Legal Enforcement and National Security) solution used by Microsoft CELA for legal enforcement data collection.

Designed a Azure Cloud Services based File Connector to import large items from third-party data sources into Microsoft 365 so that compliance solutions can be applied on them.

Software Engineer Intern, Microsoft

As part of the SharePoint Desktop application team, successfully brought down the page load latency by six times and the application boot time by a staggering 42 times with the help of caching techniques and improvements in the Auth flow.


Coding and Technical Skills
Full Stack Development
Teamwork and Collaboration
Cloud Computing
Machine Learning


One World Family Application

Developed an android application with a Django backend that helps to bring volunteers and NGOs together, as part of the Microsoft Hackathon.


Prototyped a live video captioning model called ViewPal that extracts information from live video and converts it into a stream of meaningful sentences using PyTorch. Aids the visually challenged by providing a live relay of events around them.

Check out some sample captions.

Deterministic Dispersion Algorithm

Solved the problem of dispersion of 'n' Mobile Robots on an 'n' node ring in presence of two types of dynamism in the underlying graph: (i) vertex permutation and (ii) 1-interval connectivity. [Publication].

Financial Information Extraction

Developed a Financial NER with CRFs that achieved an accuracy of 92% in identifying financial key-phrases.
Upgraded existing question-answer models to incorporate information from Financial NER. [Publication].
Check out our repository.

Are you interested

Whether you have an interesting project or just want to say hi, feel free to shoot me a message.

Say Hi!

Here's my resumé
